
Monday, November 2, 2009

Proverbs, Chapter 15

God is good.

I just wanted to say that this morning to begin this entry. As always, He is providing for me, and it is now my responsibility to give back what He has given to me. I received news this morning that I will have work at least through the end of the year, so now it is time to make sure that I can give back.

16 Better a little with the fear of the LORD
than great wealth with turmoil. – Proverbs 15:16

I am not going to get rich with this job. I’ll be making just $10 per hour and it is only guaranteed through the end of the year. There is the possibility of it going permanent, but it is far from a guarantee. Still, when I look at my bank accounts, I see just how God has provided over the last five years despite my always uncertain job status. We are truly blessed, and I feel moved to share that this morning.

I feel like my life is an example of how God’s fiscal principles can be truly realized on this earth. I have friends that make a lot more than I, yet they are saddled to with debt and constantly are seeking relief. Meanwhile, my job situation varies from week to week, yet we have no debt. We even have some savings that God has blessed us with in case of a prolonged dry spell. This has been achieved simply by following God’s principles and plans for our money. We save via coupons and deals. We find little ways to earn extra spending money and finance our favorite activities (travel and sports tickets). We don’t spend more than we bring in each month. It is that simple.

To me, this is living and thriving with little because of a fear of the Lord. As I have explained before, it isn’t even fear. Fear in this sense means respect for God’s power and providence. People often openly ask how we can afford to do what we do. I respond by saying that it is only through God’s blessing.

32 He who ignores discipline despises himself,
but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. – Proverbs 15:32

The biggest thing to remember is that it does take discipline in order to see these blessings. There is true understanding though in discipline. Discipline is far from a bad word. It is essential if we are going to achieve what God wants us to achieve for His kingdom.

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