
Monday, March 24, 2008

Isaiah, Chapter 57

Today is one of the hardest times ever for me to write. Mentally and emotionally I am an overwhelmed shell of myself. Yesterday was Easter Sunday. As a Christian, it marks the fulfillment of the promise of Christ through His resurrection. It is the day we celebrate being separated from the bondage of our sin. It is a day of strength, but for me personally, it was a day of terrible news. Yesterday afternoon I found out I was let go of my job without any warning whatsoever. I am saddened, but at the same time encouraged because God has already provided work this week in form of at least four days of substitute teaching and three random writing assignments. I am going to make it until we go to Florida, and my temp agency, who is just as shocked as I was at being let go, is already working to find something for me once we return.

I say this today because there is a similar hope in Isaiah 57. Once again we see a warning against the wicked to begin this chapter. There is also a promise to those that are faithful. It is promises like this that are giving me the strength to move forward today even though I want to curl up and lie down in fear.

16 I will not accuse forever,
       nor will I always be angry,
       for then the spirit of man would grow faint before me—
       the breath of man that I have created.

 17 I was enraged by his sinful greed;
       I punished him, and hid my face in anger,
       yet he kept on in his willful ways.

 18 I have seen his ways, but I will heal him;
       I will guide him and restore comfort to him,

 19 creating praise on the lips of the mourners in Israel.
       Peace, peace, to those far and near,"
       says the LORD. "And I will heal them." – Isaiah 57:16-19

Yesterday my pastor spoke of Friday and Sundays. He referred to Friday in the sense of Good Friday, the day that Christ was crucified. It is, without argument, the worst day in all of humanity. The following Sunday, however, was the greatest day in all of humanity when Christ conquered the grave. On that day there was hope for all mankind because the price for sin had been paid. In His resurrection, we are healed and comforted if we merely ask Him for it. MY pastor compared Friday the down times in our life, when all seems lost. I, personally, have had many Fridays in my life. There is, however, hope in the Sunday's. That is when Christ comes to us, victorious, and we are vindicated. Right now in my life I am on a Saturday, which is the intervening period between a Friday in my life and a Sunday. I do know that Sunday is coming because of the promise of Christ. He rose Himself and conquered the grave, so this is nothing for Him to overcome.

So I remain faithful, even though it is hard today. I found out my news yesterday around 6pm. By 6am I already had work today. By 9am I had work for three other days this week. I also have writing assignments and through all this I have already recovered most of what was taken from me this week. In just 15 hours God has provided. Even though I had to scramble, He did not and he was in full control. I cannot help but offer Him praise in this today.


  1. How was your Easter?
  2. How do you transition from the Fridays to the Mondays in your life?
  3. How do you praise God in the Fridays?

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